Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Layout for the "Own It" Contest at Leadership

Close to My Heart Leadership Conference had several contests and one of them was a layout with a personal interpretation of what "OWN IT" meant. This was a layout I did of my son Will and was really pleased with the finished result. I was in the top five, but not the 1st place winner...that's OK, because there was some really beautiful artwork there to compete with. I used the back country paper pack for this layout, which is really funny because it was my least favorite when it premiered the beginning of summer, and yet...I've used it more than any other paper this past quarter...just goes to show, you sometimes have to rethink things. I just love the over all clean design on this layout and I feel it really shows how much I've learned and gained from Close To My Heart.


Denise Black said...

I think you should have won and you got my vote! I love your layout. Great job!

Dot said...

That is a really great LO!! And your son is sooo adorable!

Allison said...

That's beautiful, Lori! Will is such a cutie.