You have all seen a post here and there about my sweet boy, Will. He has a rare brain malformation/condition called
lissencephaly. He has had seizures since he was three months old and granted for the most part, we are use to it, it's just part of daily life with him. Five years ago we were blessed to have a surgery where he had a stimulator put in that helps reduce his seizures and also the recovery time after he does have one. Prior to the stimulator Will could have 20-100 seizures daily...quite a lot. Now if he has three in one day it's a lot...many days we have seizure free days. We knew in time the battery on the stimulator would give out and it would have to be replaced. Well today Will has had about 15+ seizures and I think he stimulator has stopped working. It never fails that it happens on a Friday night at the start of the weekend. I have been in touch with his Neurologist and he suggested just giving him his emergency seizures
meds until Monday morning when we can get into his office. I realize that this is just part of being a parent to a special needs child and all in all, I'm very use to it.....but sometimes it can be a bit scary. If you would please just keep Will in your thoughts and prayers over the weekend, I would really be grateful. I just want him to have some peace this weekend and not get to worn out...just until Monday when he can be seen by his doctor.
Thank you so much to everyone and I promise to keep you all posted. Oh and here is a picture of my sweet boy on his special bike that he just love.