Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New Monthly CTMH Club Opening....Hurry limited spaces.

One of my clubs is coming to an end I'm sorry to say, but the great news is that opens up spots for a new club. My clubs are the buzz and everyone has really loved being in it, plus it a wonderful way to stock up on Close To My Heart products, learn about specials and deals first and get LOTS OF FREE PRODUCT!.

The club will start as of December 1st and will run for 10 months. Each month you will need to email me a minimum $20 order (not including tax and shipping) and during one of the 10 months you'll get to be hostess. You'll earn at least $25 in free select products, but most of my hostesses earn more, I've had hostesses earn as much as $100 in free products. You'll also be able to take advantage of the kits of the month that Close To My Heart is now offering where you get close to $35 in product for only $29.95 and it includes a full size paper pack, accessory and an exclusive stamp set. Plus, you will also be able to scoop up the limited time Stamp of the Months that we offer. You can either purchase these, get them discounted or even qualify to get them free with your total monthly purchase.

At the end of the club I always give lots of free goodies and if you email me lorileng@bellsouth.net I'm happy to give you a list of all the additional items you'll receive, but I can say you'll get all the new idea books as they come out shipped right to your door...that 3.95 for each book right there and you'll receive 3, plus you'll get the adorable connect club reward that varies but it's always wonderful and I'll send you the petite stamp set just for joining in the fun...but there is a lot more so email me to find out.

This is limited to 10 so please let me know as spots in my clubs do fill up fast...there just so darn fun.

Let me know if you have any questions and I can't wait to meet our new club members...Will it be YOU?


MedicScrapper said...

Love the cards pictured ~ is this a kit?

Unknown said...

You know you can count on me. Shoot Tracey an email and double check with her. I can't wait for the new club.