Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cascading Card Tutorial

This is such a simple card tutorial that will make your cards look like a show stopper.  I love the dimension that is achieved with this design.  Let’s look at how to create this beautiful  Cascading Card.

Step One: Cut card stock  8 x 10 ½”.  Laying the card stock long ways, mark a dot at the 2 ½ “ down from the top and rotate paper to do on the opposite side.  This will create a slanting line. 

Step Two: Line your marked dots up and cut to form as shown in the picture.

Step Three: Score at 1 ¾ “ , 3 ½”,  5 ¼”, 7”, and 8 ¾”.  Do this on both sections of paper.  Once you have all the lines scored crease in alternating mountains and valley folds and crease with your Scor-Pal Tool. 

Step Four: Measure down your first score line ( 1 ¾) to 2  ½ “ and on your last score line ( 8 ¾”) measure down  1 ½”.  This will be half way between on both sides.  Cut down from the top to the measured place creating a slit.  You will do this on both pieces however on the second piece instead of cutting from the top down, cut from the bottom up. 

Step Five:  Slide your two pieces together using the slots created.  I glued my flaps together using Scor Pal Tape and so the front and back would layout flat.  Decorate as desired