Friday, May 2, 2014

Paper Smooches meets Xyron

This week has been so much fun as Xyron and Paper Smooches joined forces to show some beautiful creative projects.

 I thought I would create a gift box adorned with an adorable monkey from the Smoocheroos Stamp Set. I colored the monkey and then popped him up with some foam tape made with my Creative Station. 

The top is adorned with a handmade festive added that extra little pop that was needed. 

Be sure to check out the rest of the design teams projects for the week.....they're sure to spark your creative juices.   Here's a recipe of the products used and links to where you can get yours. 



cghundley said...

Too cute!
Fun monkey
and lovely
Carla from Utah

Christine Kiehl said...

Simply adorable! Thank you for sharing with us today!

Paula Calvanico said...

Oh my goodness! This is just adorable :)
