Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Cinderella Butterfly Box with Graphic 45

I hope you got to see my final round of the Graphic 45 design team entry...my Cinderella Butterfly Box.  I thought I should post this on my blog for those of you who haven't subscribed to my Youtube channel. 

Here's the link for the video and I've added tons and I mean tons of pictures of the box below for you to really examine. 




Inspiration, Viltsumari said...

Oh, I don´t have words!!! ADORABLE!

Elena Gray said...

Hi Lori,
I just wanted to say thank you for this project. I too found 'Cinderella' to be a wonderful and magical movie. It just took me back to my childhood. Ever since seeing the movie I have been wanting to recreate the same butterfly box but I just had no idea where to start. Your pictures and the video tutorial helped me out a great deal, so thank you and keep up the good work!