Friday, August 20, 2010

There's still time for some AMAZING Blog Candy

If you haven't already signed up, you need to .  Gini is giving away some wonderful blog candy...and you really don't have to do anything to join in the fun.  Just link to her blog and become a really should do it.  She is an amazing artist that you'll be inspired by her artwork over and over.  Plus you might just went some killer goodies.  Here's the link to check it out now, CLICK HERE as it ends this weekend. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Create Critter Quickly Lip Balm Holder Card

This is a cute little card/lip balm holder I did using the Create a Critter cartridge with my Cricut. I think the plump little animals on this cart are so stinkin cute. Love um. I dry embossed my pink CTMH Background paper and embossed the black CTMH paper and then sanded both so the patterens would pop. I also added the button on the front with a little foam tape and created a loop with some hemp for the catch. This took no time at all but I thought it was a cute little token.