Saturday, July 17, 2010

#4 Things I Loved & Learned - CTMH Convention - The Butterfly Effect

Convention is wonderful for seeing new products, being inspired by others, and having a true blast. But actually, there is so much more that is offered than just what you might think. They really offer excellent training for running your business and taking it up the next notch.

I was really excited to be able to attend leadership training prior to convention and of course all the business classes offered during the convention itself. The Butterfly Effect was actually presented in one of our general session by Kristine Widfeldt (Marketing Vice President for CTMH). . I'll be honest I'd never heard of The Butterfly Effect...not sure how I missed that one. Anyhooo, just in case you don't know the Butterfly Effect is the theory that shows the smallest action spreads wider and wider and can cause a HUGE reaction. The flutter of a butterflies wing leads to something much greater. Kristine pointed out that making one small change in how we ran our business could end up having big results. This whole concept really struck me. I have all the big dreams and want to do everything, all at once, right now, LOL. However this was profound to me in that I could do one little thing different and watch to see the wide results. Granted this was intended for my Close To My Heart business but it certainly would apply to anything that you do. I found this inspiring and encouraging to me that I CANmake a difference. I hope that you will challenge yourself with a small butterfly flutter...maybe it will be do one layout a week, so you end up having a completed album in no time, or perhaps it will be walking 30 minutes in the evening so that is a few months you see those extra pounds shed off, or maybe it's get up 20 minutes early every morning and read that daily devotional. Whatever your goals are make a plan today to make one small change and see the Butterfly Effect in in your future.

Friday, July 16, 2010

#3 Things I Loved & Learned - CTMH Convention - MAGIC

There are so many wonderful new goodies that we will be unveiling in the Fall/Winter Idea book, but I have to say I think one of the things was most excited about was MAGIC. It's the newest how to book from Jeanette Lynton and it's going to blow you away. The whole book is making magical layouts with movable and interactive parts. How cool is comes the spinners, pop-ups, pull-outs and much, much more. It will also give you the option for completing the layouts without the interactive portions.

I'm sure there will be lots of techniques and tips that will also apply to card making so I'm so excited to get my copy that will be here next Monday....can't wait and I know you can't wait either to order your copy come September 1st.

Oh and just for one more even comes with a how to DVD!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

$99 CTMH Consultant Kit ending soon!

I hope you have been following my top ten about convention. There are so many changes coming down the pike, it's so excited. One of the changes is the consultant kit. As of August 1st the base consultant kit will go up to $129 from the current amount of $99. I believe change is good and see lots of positive aspects of the new consultant program, but I have to admit for the next several weeks it's a great deal to sign up to become a Close To My Heart Consultant.

It's important when you sign up that you choose a strong growing team. I'm a Director with Close To My Heart, have won numerous awards and truly love working the business. I enjoy training and encouraging my team to succeed with my experiences and business knowledge. Have you been considering joining CTMH but just didn't know when was the right time...THE TIME IS NOW and I would love to welcome you on team PINKCLOUDSCRAPPERS.

Please feel free to email me if you would like to find out more about the program or any specials for signing up. I can honestly say it was one of the smartest choices I ever made and I would love to share the friendships, rewards, and business with you. If you would like to read over the contract or sign up now to join my team just click here.

#2 Things I Loved & Learned - CTMH Convention - Fall/Winter Idea Book

Well heck, who doesn't get excited when you start flipping through a brand new Idea Book from Close To My Heart. It's chocked full of new and beautiful products and the new Fall/Winter 2010 is no exception. Do you love scrolling peacock feathers? glimmering embellishments? Elegant mistletoe for the holiday seasons? Adorable popping ghouls for Halloween? How about a new how to book that will have you spinning? Well if you said yes to any of these things then you are in for a treat with the new idea book. We were all lucky to receive our own copy of the new book at convention and I haven't put it down since then. I'll be giving you some exclusive sneak peeks but you can get your own copy of the new idea book by contacting me Idea books will start shipping next month so be sure to get on my list so you can start drooling over your own copy.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

10 Things I Learned & Loved at CTMH Convention #1

I had such a blast last week at convention and I have so much to share with everyone. I thought I would do a day at a time with a top ten list of things I learned and loved about Close To My Heart Convention. I actually could do a 1000 or more but 10 should give you a good feel and help spread the excitement.
The first thing I loved about convention is of course, Jeanette Lynton CEO and founder of this amazing company. How could you not adore her. She is one of the sweetest people you would ever want to meet and I truly believe her heart is made of pure gold.
Jeanette took some time to answer consultants questions in one of our general sessions and it was so great to hear answers to questions such as what/who is her inspirations, what is her favorite paper pack of all time, and what are her plans and dreams for the future.
The more I get to know her the more respect I have for her. She has BIG plans for the company, creative ideas for new products and Idea Books, generous compensation and rewards for consultants and a HUGE heart for giving back. She radiates kindness and joy and I truly believe this is why her business is thriving and growing. She is a blessing to me and I'm so fortunate to be a part of her dream.
Keep checking in for the next few days to see things like sneak peeks of new products, pictures of convention and friends and more exciting news about CTMH Convention 2010.