Sunday, March 6, 2011

Final Spellbinders Entry : Layout

 This was the final layout for the Spellbinders Design Team Entry.  As I said the other day with the card...I loved it.  I adored the rich colors, the theme, the layers, the papers, and the picture of my precious little boy in the fall leaves.  I really gave this one my I wouldn't have changed a thing. 

I've really starting using metal and jewels in my work more and more which I suppose goes back to my background degree in Jewelry Design.  Who would have ever thought paper crafting and jewelry design, but here and there on projects I think is just perfect. 

I really do have so much to be thankful for the theme of this layout and again thank you for all your support during the Design Team process.


Susan ~ Killam Creative said...

Lori - I just took a wander through your blog and have to say "You Rock!"

I'm in love with everything! Good luck with Spellbinders. They would be lucky to have you!

I'm going to pick my jaw up off the floor now... :)
