Sunday, December 13, 2015

Healing My Spirit

As many of you know this has been a very difficult year for me.  I lost my oldest son ( Will) who was 14 the end of July.  I've always been a strong Christian who knows that God will hold me up through anything...I must admit, the last few months I've really been tested.  There are days that I wake up and question everything that I've believed in my whole life, but I always come back to a yearning to be close to God especially during this time of complete heartbreak.  I don't normally share posts that are quite so personal but I really feel I need to share the joys and the sorrows that go along with this journey I'm on, in hopes that perhaps someone is out there and can relate. 

One thing I have started doing is Bible Journaling and it has really helped me to express myself with my art while I concentrate on something I feel the Lord is trying to reveal to me.  It's a special quiet time that I am really coming to love.  In fact I've gotten several of my close girlfriends together and  we are starting a Bible Journaling group that will meet after the new year...I can't wait. 

This is one of my first pieces I created in my Bible using Jamie Dougherty's Creating in Faith line by Prima.  The blue speckles are all the tears I feel I've shed over the last four months.  I'm waiting on the Lord to turn those tears into showers of praise and I know by faith that he will heal my spirit. My son was wonderfully made, he was exactly the way God wanted him to be and also he left this world at exactly in God's perfect time...but that doesn't mean I don't long for him daily.  I hope the things that I've gone through will somehow be a witness to Gods unfailing love and will bless me as well as others.  So for now I'll be quite and still and wait upon the Lord while I focus on my gifts.