Friday, January 7, 2011

Celebrate Spellbinders!!!!!

I have had a love affair with Spellbinders Dies for some time and when my sister told me they were having a Design Team call, I stopped for a moment to dream about the WHAT IF?  never actually thinking that I would try out for such a cream of the crop team.  As I started to go about my business, my sister said, aren't you going to try out for it?  My reply was "Oh I'm not worthy"...well needless to say after some prodding from sis I took the plunge and came up with a project, I really loved.  Once I had hit the submit button I was proud of the fact that I had tried...and then to actually see on THE SPELLBINDERS BLOG today that I am one of the first round finalists...I was speechless....then I actually got up from my seat and jumped up and down.  Yes I realize I sound like a four year old on Christmas morning, but that is truly the way I felt.  I can't tell you what an honor it is to be in the company of some of the premiere leaders in the papercrafing field...WOW!!!  I feel so blessed to have made round's truly such a HUGE honor.  I look forward to sharing my project with you in the future, but for's TOP SECRET.  All the finalists have been given another challenge and then we're onto round two.  I'll have to be sure to bring my best game....and get my fanny in gear.  This would be such a dream for me, but just making the first round is amazing in and of please say a little prayer, send some creative thoughts this way and look forward to hearing more in the future.


Brenda said...

OMGOSH I am sooo happy for you!!!! It has been way too long since I have visited...
Prayers said!

Laurie said...

Way to go!!! Can't wait until you can show your projects, and I've got my fingers crossed for you on making the team!

Loraine said...

Congratulations, Lori!!! I'll be praying for you to have amazing creativity. You deserve it. All of your work is so beautiful. They would be lucky to have you designing for them!

Gina Brandstetter said...

YEAH!!!! Congratulations Lori! You are so talented. I'm sure you'll do great!

Rhonda McMaster said...

Congratulations! How funny we just had a conversation the other day on FB about how talented I thought you were. Those who know you are not surprised, it is well deserved! I could jump up and down with you! Will send prayers your way, and I can't wait to see your artwork. Hugs!

Dot said...

Congrats, Lori!! Keeping my fingers crossed for ya!