Tuesday, September 30, 2014

10% Off Silpada....Join the Fun and Stock Up

Come join me tomorrow evening from (October 1st) 4pm-7pm drop in at Elan Studio's on the corner of Erkwood Drive and Greenville Highway in Hendersonville for my Welcome to Silpada Designs show. Everything will be 10% off, so it's a great way to help me kick start my business and stock up on gifts for the holidays. Stop by have a cup of coffee, snack a little and play in some jewelry...what better way to spend some time with friends.

Can't join us in person...no problem......Go to my website and place an order for the October 1st show and I'll refund you 10% on your order and it will be shipped directly to your house.

Please let me know if you have any questions...always love to help and I know we'll have a blast.