Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Discover Layout with Graphic 45


Sigh.  Sometimes I wish I could turn back time even though I adore my son being 10 years old now and all the questions and funny things he'll say.  Still there is something so sweet about those toddler years and the time of discovery for a little peep.  I  created this layout with some pictures I had of my boy from that time people and I used the latest collection from Graphic 45 " Voyage Beneath the Sea.  Who wouldn't love the colors in this color much less the theme.. it's just so trendy right now. 

Be sure to also check out my step by step tutorial on creating this layout.  I'll give you some simple little tricks that will help you create more detailed and interesting layouts. 


Now head over to Graphic 45's blog and catch more inspiration for National Scrapbooking Month, they are sure to not disappoint. 


Sande said...

The layout featuring your son is sweet. I live at the beach and though it sounds strange I don't usually find the theme or home decor of the beach as anything I would want. But then again I live in a Victorian beach community so visitors/tourist tend to think that all that live here decorate their homes in the style. With that said I love your layout. It's has a wonderful feel to it that isn't over the top BEACH. The colorway is gorgeous and the embellishments are sweet especially the flower. I just keep looking at it. I understand what your saying about them being toddlers again. My daughters are grown and I have 4 grandchildren with the youngest being 12 and I want them to be toddlers again. I miss those days and the smell of babies in my home. They all grown up way too quickly.

Aleksandra said...

The layout is gorgeous Lori! I love it! This collection is so pretty, the colors are perfect and that yellow flowers fit so well! Beautiful work!

Have a great day!