Saturday, September 25, 2010

Can you believe it?

Last week I was down at Hobby Lobby and they were already putting their Christmas decorations out, can you believe it?  Granted the older I get the more times seems to fly by, but retailers do love to get those goodies out early, don't they?  In honor of all that tinsel and sparkle here is a quick layout I did using the Mistletoe Level One collection from CTMH.  Literally it's just pictures, paper and some of Close To My Heart's stickease stickers...that are wonderful.  I did cut a slice along the paper design and made a quickie pocket to hold some journaling.  Just glue a scrap piece of paper on the back just around the edge of the scrap to hold everything in your pocket.  Hope all are having a great weekend and I'm off to a stamp show...I'm sure I won't spend any money......LOL.  



Sheena said...

Cute layout!..I love the paper..I fell in love with it when I got the idea book..Yea our Michaels already has their Christmas stuff out. Crazy..some places Halloween just got into stores.

Hugs, Sheena

Tanya said...

Great LO Lori!!! I will totally have to "lift" that. Gotta get that paper pack!!! Hugs to ya..

Unknown said...

This is such a beautiful layout! I wonder if you have heard of a new challenge blog, Papercraft Star yet? We'd love it if you considered entering some of your beautiful work in the challenges there and there is still time to sign up for a chance to win a gift certificate too!

Nichole said...

The great thing about the Christmas stuff being out is that means the Fall stuff should be on sale already and it's not October yet!