Wednesday, July 21, 2010

# 8 Things I Loved & Learned - CTMH Convention -The Rewards and Awards

Ok, so who doesn't like to be recognized for their hard work? Friday night was the Gala Awards Session and it was great. There is such an excitement buzzing in the air and it's contagious. All consultants received a beautiful stamp set made by CTMH just for the event. It was also a evening to celebrate the accomplishments of some hard working consultants.
My dear friend Lynn was the top consultant in sales, WOW! how awesome is that. I also go to cheer on my friend Fancy Melissa for being a top 6th recruiter and also earning a regarded spot on the advisory board for CTMH, way to go girl. I also got tears in my eyes by the three new consultants who earned the Rising Star Award, one of them my bud Amy Muse. I was honored to receive that award last year and it's near and dear to my heart as I know it will be with this years recipients. I actually was the top 5 recruiter for the company and was #1 new consultant for most recruits during my first full year. I can't tell you how exciting it is to walk across that stage with thousands of people cheering you on.

Now the big reward for me was the very last evening at the Closing Banquet. There was a contest during the month of May, as a consultant you had to meet a minimum sales requirement and then you were entering into a drawing for a spa scrap booking getaway. There were to be eight the last night they were down to the last two winners, they called the names and we all we happy for the winners. But then Jeanette said how proud she was so many consultants had reached the goal so they had taken the top 10 sales consultants for the month and picked a name of one of them to be the NINTH spot....I jumped so high when she called my name. What an awesome reward. So come October, CTMH is going to fly me to Utah where I'll be pampered with spa service, food, lodging and of course scrap booking galore. I can't wait. It never would have been possible if I didn't have such great customers who help me be successful and also if I didn't work for such a giving company. Of course you know there will be lots of posts in October about that trip.


Melissa Laverty said...

Thanks girlfriend! So excited for you and all of your accomplishments. In what, 18 months? Awesome!

Kimberly said...

Congrats Lori!!!
